
Forskellige typer skumblandere bruges til nøjagtigt at blande skumkoncentratet i vandflowet i et brandslukningssystem. Valget af blandebatteri, der skal bruges, afhænger af forskellige aspekter, såsom typen af slukningssystemet, den krævede kapacitet, energitilgængeligheden, installationspladsen (indvendig/udvendig/størrelse) og det tilgængelige tryk.

Det er vigtigt at et skumblandingssystem er pålideligt, for at kunne sikre en effektiv slukning. Ud fra dette perspektiv betragtes mekaniske systemer af internationale institutter, såsom FM/UL og VdS, som værende mere pålidelige end elektroniske systemer. InnoVfoam-systemerne opfylder disse betingelser og er derfor blandt de mest pålidelige. Med hensyn til valg af blandere har InnoVfoam følgende produkter: Wide range Proportioner, Balanced pressure Wide range Proportioner, Balanced pressure proportioner, Bladdertank proportioner, Inline inductors, Around the Pump Proportioner og Turbine Proportioner.

  • Pålidelige Skumblandere

    Various types of foam proportioners for precisely proportioning foam concentrate in the water-stream of an extinguishing system can be used. The choice of proportioner depends on a number of factors: the type of extinguishing system, the required capacity, and the available energy, space (inside/outside/size) and pressure.
  • Pålidelige Skumblandere

    Various types of foam proportioners for precisely proportioning foam concentrate in the water-stream of an extinguishing system can be used. The choice of proportioner depends on a number of factors: the type of extinguishing system, the required capacity, and the available energy, space (inside/outside/size) and pressure.
  • Pålidelige skumblandere

    Various types of foam proportioners for precisely proportioning foam concentrate in the water-stream of an extinguishing system can be used. The choice of proportioner depends on a number of factors: the type of extinguishing system, the required capacity, and the available energy, space (inside/outside/size) and pressure.
  • Pålidelige skumblandere

    Various types of foam proportioners for precisely proportioning foam concentrate in the water-stream of an extinguishing system can be used. The choice of proportioner depends on a number of factors: the type of extinguishing system, the required capacity, and the available energy, space (inside/outside/size) and pressure.
  • Pålidelige Skumblandere

    Various types of foam proportioners for precisely proportioning foam concentrate in the water-stream of an extinguishing system can be used. The choice of proportioner depends on a number of factors: the type of extinguishing system, the required capacity, and the available energy, space (inside/outside/size) and pressure.
  • Pålidelige Skumblandere

    Various types of foam proportioners for precisely proportioning foam concentrate in the water-stream of an extinguishing system can be used. The choice of proportioner depends on a number of factors: the type of extinguishing system, the required capacity, and the available energy, space (inside/outside/size) and pressure.
  • Differenstrykblander

    Various types of foam proportioners for precisely proportioning foam concentrate in the water-stream of an extinguishing system can be used. The choice of proportioner depends on a number of factors: the type of extinguishing system, the required capacity, and the available energy, space (inside/outside/size) and pressure.
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