
InnoVfoam leverer slukningsmonitorer, der kan betjenes med hånden, vand, oscillerende eller elektrisk. InnoVfoam-brandskærme har takket være et specificeret tryk og kapacitet en optimal kastelængde. InnoVfoam leverer også slukningsmonitorvogne og slukningsblokeringssystemer til mobilt brug. InnoVfoam-Europoles tårnene med monitorløft leveres til faste installationer.
InnoVfoam er også specialiseret inden for levering af komplette elektrisk betjente brandovervågningssystemer. Disse systemer leveres specifikt til kundens behov, og har enkel betjening og et standardpanel til fuldt programmerede PLC-styring med termisk(e) billedkamera(er). Den komplette installation styres fra start til slut af vores eksperter for at sikre et vellykket slutresultat.
InnoVfoam-slukningsovervågningssystemer anvendes i (petro-)kemiske anlæg, havneanlæg, hangarer og helikopterdæk.

  • Bjælke

    InnoVfoam fremstiller bjælkemonterede systemer, hvilket betyder, at der er monteret en plug-and-play-skumblandingsbjælke i vandsluk- ningssystemet. Et sådant kundespecifikt system er fuldt testet og leveres klar til brug. Da systemet er fremstillet skræddersyet til dimensi- onerne, spildes der ikke meget tid på montering og idriftsættelse. God forberedelse garanterer effektive projektfremskridt. Vi skræddersyr systemerne helt efter kundens ønsker og designer dem specifikt til kunderne. Ofte er levering i et hus, såsom en isoleret beholder ønskeligt og undertiden fremstilles et system i dele, der skal samles på stedet i et vanskeligt tilgængeligt rum.
  • Brandmonitor trailer

    The InnoVfoam trailer mounted fire monitors are available in various executions in order to serve a wide range of mobile firefighting applications. The InnoVfoam monitor trailers show a solid construction which is stable in all circumstances. Due to integrated foam proportioning devices, the Innovfoam monitor trailers can do their job both with water and the admixture of any foam concentrate. Depending on the monitor capacity, an InnoVfoam monitor trailer can be provided with an integrated foam concentrate tank.
  • Brandmonitor Trailer Type 2

    The InnoVfoam trailer mounted fire monitors are available in various executions in order to serve a wide range of mobile firefighting applications. The InnoVfoam monitor trailers show a solid construction which is stable in all circumstances. Due to integrated foam proportioning devices, the Innovfoam monitor trailers can do their job both with water and the admixture of any foam concentrate. Depending on the monitor capacity, an InnoVfoam monitor trailer can be provided with an integrated foam concentrate tank.
  • Brandmonitor Trailer Type 3

    The InnoVfoam trailer mounted fire monitors are available in various executions in order to serve a wide range of mobile firefighting applications. The InnoVfoam monitor trailers show a solid construction which is stable in all circumstances. Due to integrated foam proportioning devices, the Innovfoam monitor trailers can do their job both with water and the admixture of any foam concentrate. Depending on the monitor capacity, an InnoVfoam monitor trailer can be provided with an integrated foam concentrate tank.
  • FiFi-1 Fjernbetjent brandvandsmonitor

    The InnoVfoam FiFi-1 monitor type FWM-EL was designed as compact and reliable device. Horizontal and vertical positioning is accomplished by remotely controlled electric motors, equipped with insulated handles to facilitate safe manual override. The unit can be supplied either with a water branchpipe, foambranchpipe or Fog/Jet nozzle type FJN which can be adjusted between full jet and spray modes by a separate electric motor.
  • Fjernstyret brandmonitor

    The InnoVfoam fire monitor type FWM-EL was designed as compact and reliable device. Horizontal and vertical positioning is accomplished by remotely controlled electric motors, equipped with insulated handles to facilitate safe manual override. The Fog/Jet nozzle type FJN can be adjusted between full jet and spray modes by a separate electric motor. The capacity of the unit can be adjusted such that the best performance possible at the given water pressure in regard to throw length and jet-pattern is achieved.
  • Løftemonitor

    In collaboration with Europoles Swiss, InnoVfoam BV has developed a new concept for fire monitors at height. Conventional steel towers are generally equipped with cage ladders and platforms used in performing mainte-nance work on the monitors. The InnoVfoam-Europoles concept consists of a mast made of pre-stressed concrete with a lowering mechanism fitted to the exterior. The monitor can be lowered using a sled, allowing maintenance to be conducted at ground level.
  • Manuel styret brandmonitor

    The InnoVfoam fire monitor type FWM was designed as compact and reliable device. Horizontal and vertical positioning is set manually with help of levers (FWM-3/4/6) or hand wheels (FWM-8), which enable safe manual operation. The Fog/Jet nozzle type FJN can be adjusted, by hand, between full jet and spray mode. The capacity of the unit can be manually adjusted such that the best performance possible at the given water pressure in regard to throw length and jet pattern is achieved. The monitor can be equipped with a foam branch pipe or a water branch pipe.
  • Slukningsmonitor med pendulbetjening

    The InnoVfoam fire monitor type FWM was developed as compact and reliable device. The manual operation (horizontally and vertically) is done by protected handles which enables safe monitorcon- trols. The Jet/Spray nozzle can be ajusted between full jet and spray by turning the nozzle-grib. Ca- pacityadjustment can be calibrated easily in order to get the best performance regarding throw length and Jet-pattern in relation to the available waterpressure on site. If supplied together with a Waterturbine, installed at the inletflange of the FWM monitor, the rotati- on of the monitor can be done automatically on waterpressure. This additional device enables safe operation in hazardous conditions without putting people into danger.
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