InnoVfoam has developed a foam proportioning system called “InnovDos” for adding foam concentrate to mains water without needing an external energy supply. InnovDos uses a water-driven foam pump. Its main components have been tested and approved by VdS. The system is suitable for foam proportioning in large (sprinkler) systems.
The InnovDos system provides accurate foam proportioning in sprinkler as well as deluge systems. The system consists of two main components (that can be separately integrated) and works without an external power supply by harnessing the water pressure in the extinguisher line via a bypass. The water pressure is delivered to the in-line turbine that is connected to a (geared) foam concentrate pump. This creates a suction effect on the inlet side and pumps foam concentrate to the proportion- er on the outlet side.
The proportioner, which is mounted on the extinguisher pipe, ensures that precisely the right per- centage of foam concentrate is injected into the system. Any overpressure in the foam feed line is correctly kept in balance by the membrane fitted inside the proportioner.
Advantages of the InnovDos system
MAINTENANCE: Maintenance only required every three months, instead of every two weeks.
WATER HAMMER: Insensitive to water hammer in the sprinkler pipe.
TESTS: The system can be tested with water as a proportioning medium.
NO BLOCKAGE: No chance of turbine blockage due to fouling in the extinguishing water system.
UNIVERSAL: The geared pump built into the system works with all types of foam concentrate. This ensures that the viscosity of the foam concentrate is not a limiting factor.
GERÄUSCHPEGEL: The water driven foam concentrate pump does not produce any noise or cause vibration.
PRESSURE LOSS: Accurate foam proportioning with low pressure loss when operating at low sys tem pressure.
SIMPLICITY: No complicated pipework arrangement because the proportioner can be installed separately to the water-driven foam concentrate pump.
PROTECTED: The foam proportioning system is protected by float switches in the foam tank.