Proportioning systems mix foam concentrate with/in the water flow. Proportioners
Various types of foam proportioners can be used for precisely proportioning foam concentrate in the water-stream of an extinguishing system. The choice of proportioner depends on a number of factors such as the type of extinguishing system, the required capacity, the available energy, storage space (inside/outside/size) and the available pressure.
The purpose of the proportioning system is to ensure that the ratio of foam concentrate and water (the proportioning percentage) is correct. Once the correct proportioning percentage is determined, the amount of stock required for the concentrate can then be calculated.
InnovDos Foam Proportioning System
InnoVfoam has developed a foam proportioning system called "InnovDos" for adding foam concentrate to mains water without needing an external energy supply. InnovDos uses a water-driven foam pump. Its main components have been tested and approved by VdS. The system is suitable for foam proportioning in large (sprinkler) systems.